from SGD 39.00

Have a favourite verse or quote you hold close to your heart? Share them at your party or in your home on your big day and everyday as you weave these intricate art pieces into your decor. 


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the story

We consider each piece of acrylic sign to be a unique work of art. Your custom text are thoughtfully designed and hand lettered using premium waterproof white ink for that extra touch of elegance.

how it works:

  1. Select the size (We highly recommend at least 12 x 18" (A3) for preferred calligraphy aesthetics, as shown above)

Upon adding to cart, you'll be prompted to:

  1. State your custom text (The exact words you'd like to see on your acrylic quote board)

  2. Select orientation (Portrait/landscape)

  3. Share pointers (Any wording detail you're particular about, e.g. UPPERCASE/lowercase)

Upon order confirmation:

  • Sit back, relax, and let the magic begin!

  • Give our design journey 15 - 20 business days, after which we'll pack and ship based on your shipping choice

  • Receive your artwork at your doorstep via courier service (Woohoo!)

hmm, looking for something else?

Perhaps you've got a particular design or material in mind for your custom quote board. Feel free to drop us a note or reach us at to tell us more, let's see how we can make it happen!